Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The ring!
Posted by
Trever & Krista
9:53 AM
June 15, 2007 - Krista's story
I'm pretty sure everyone that reads this already knows most of the story, but here it goes again...WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!
Friday , June 15, 2007 Trever "surprised" me with an amazing proposal, a beautiful ring, and a party filled with friends and family. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect proposal! A few weeks ago, Trever told me to keep Friday night free. I didn't ask too many questions because I had a feeling that he was going to propose. Then things got a little too obviously suspicious. My friends would change the subject, or make comments regarding my weekend plans. I'd try to pry just enough to figure out that something was going on, but not enough to figure out what was going on. Anyway, Friday night I was suppose to be ready at 7:15. I could tell that Trever had been home when I got there because the dryer was running. I figured he had gone back to work and would be home at a decent time. When I text messaged him, he said be ready at 7:15. At 7:15 my phone rang and it was Trever asking me to meet him at the church, telling me that he needed help with some faxes and copies for work (yeah right). When I got there, there was a note on the front door telling me to meet him at the front of the church. When I walked in he had music playing and was standing at the front. After a long walk down the aisle, he asked if I knew why I was there. He told me that the first time I went to church with him, he knew that he wanted to marry me. He did get down on one knee but I really don't remember what else he said. The ring was beautiful but I didn't even take it from him!! Even though I knew it was coming I was still shocked!THEN....we went up town to "have dinnner" or "get a drink". I noticed his parent's car sitting across the street from the bar so I figured our parents knew what was going on. When I walked in, there were probably 30 of our friends and family there to celebrate with us! Most of them knew (or at least had an idea) what was going on, but hadn't been told exactly what was going on. What a perfect night!All weekend was spent sharing our news with anyone who would listen!
Posted by
Trever & Krista
9:39 AM
As we begin to plan our wedding, we have created this website to keep our family and friends informed of the decisions we make and share the events of our life together. Make sure to save this site to your favorites and check back often to read our stories!
Posted by
Trever & Krista
9:26 AM