Sunday, January 29, 2012

Piglets, Goats & Birthdays...OH MY!

On January 20th we packed up and headed to Ohio to celebrate some very special birthdays. Friday night we headed out with Aunt Kyla to do some evening chores. Claire was very excited to hold a baby pig!

She really enjoyed the goats too, but we definately don't need any of those at our house.
She and Maddi are best buds! Until one of them has something the other one wants.
The real reason we went out was for Mr. Kempton's 1st birthday! His mommy really went above and beyond with the birthday cake!
And Kempton REALLY got in to his cake! It tasted awesome so I don't blame him at all!
After getting hosed off he got to try out his new toy! Isn't he too stinkin' cute!?!

A snowy weekend

A few weeks ago, in early January, we finally had some snow. Claire couldn't have been more excited to play in it! Luckily, Saturday morning the weather was beautiful and it wasn't so cold we didn't want to play with her.

There are lots of pictures on facebook if you want to see more!