Christmas 2011 is now in the books. It has taken me all day to get the pictures up on the blog but for those of you who don't have facebook (if there are any of you out there) here is the run down on our festivities.
Friday afternoon we met up with the Ficklin family at Shagbark golf course in Onarga. We always have a great time with this group. Everyone brings a ~$10 gift and we spend a couple of hours fighting over things like hams, wine, and a telescope. We brought home a blanket and a twelve piece cutting kit (knives, scissors, box cutters, etc). Claire got some kind of text messaging game that keeps her entertained for hours!
Claire bellied up to the bar (because there were cartoons on the tv). Will thought it would be fun to let her try out a fake ID for the first time!

Saturday morning this is how I found Claire sleeping. She slept until about 9 a..m. that day! Her cousins must have tuckered her out the night before!

On Christmas Eve we headed to LeRoy to see the Builta clan. We usually have steak for lunch and mom was trying a new asparagus recipe. Kirk claims he cooks all the time, but I snapped this picture because it's the first time I've ever seen him do anything remotely close to cooking.

After lunch it was time to tear in to the presents, but not before a picture of our baby girl next to the tree!

Claire got a new Minnie Mouse blanket that Grandma made. She loves it and is actually taking a nap under it right now!

Uncle Kirk is ready to throw a party. He got LOTS of booze to stock is liquor cabinet. And a recipe book so he can make some fancy cocktails.

Uncle Kirk also spoiled Claire. He got her some new Minnie Mouse slippers.

And she got a new car seat for her bitty baby from grandma and grandpa.

And then she unwrapped her musical instruments from Uncle Kirk. She's really enjoyed playing them and even snuck her harmonica to Mary's house one day this week.

After naps we headed to grandma great's house for soup and more presents. We did another gift exchange but this group isn't nearly as big or as risque as the Ficklins so there wasn't much stealing. We came home with a 3 pan roaster and some Fannie Mae and Root Deer. Claire decided that Kara was pretty fun to hang out with too!

Christmas morning started pretty early. Not because Claire was anxious to see what Santa brought, but because we had a lot to get done before 9 a.m. church service and a day with the Kuipers.

Santa brought Claire and new ball and bat...

A broom and a dustpan so she can fly like a witch.

And a vet kit so she can take care of her puppies and kitties and mommy and baby shout.

After church we headed to Gammy & papa's house for breakfast and more presents. Kempton is SO CLOSE to walking. He really likes to dance with Santa too!

Claire and Kempton starting to unwrap mommy's presents!

Claire loves her big cousin Caisey!

and her Simba stuffed animal from Gammy & Papa Kuip.

Kempton was happy with a box and some hangers.

Just when we thought we were all done with presents, out come some pink pedal tractors for the little girls!

Then it was time to attempt naps in the new sleeping bags. The eventually did both fall asleep but neither one of them was in their sleeping bag.

Before we left, the kids had to all pose in the super girl and spider man jammies! This went over much better than the attempted homemade jammies last year!