Sunday, February 1, 2009

Maddison - Photo Shoot 1

We made it out to meet Maddison this weekend and are not looking forward to heading for home later this morning! Gammy Kuipers and I have had a good time dressing Miss Maddi up and playing photo shoot! Here are just a few pictures to get you started!

This is what happens when you leave Gammy, Mommy, and Aunt Krista alone with lil Maddi.

Bright eyes!

Maddi still has a little problem with jaundice, so she has to spend quite a bit of time under her "glow blanket".

It's hard to read, but Maddi is wearing her "I love my Auntie" outfit.

Three generations.
Check back for more updates once Aunt Krista and Uncle Trever return to Illinois!