It's hard to believe that my maternity leave is almost over. Claire is 7 weeks old today and I'm going to start back to work for a couple of days next week. I've been trying to enjoy every minute I've had with her this week which explains why the house is still a disaster and she's sleeping on my lap while I type this. I suppose I could put her down, but what fun would that be.
Here is another big gummy grin and the increadible shrinking bear!
We also played photo shoot this afternoon. I'm still having a hard time getting what I think are "good" picture, but this was one of my favorites from this afternoon.
Tomorrow I go back to the doctor and Claire is going to stay with "Aunt" Ria and "Uncle" Mike for a little while. Trever is preaching again on Sunday and we are looking forward to a low key weekend before we try to get in to a back to work/babysitter routine next week! Wish us luck!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
7 weeks
Posted by
Trever & Krista
1:22 PM
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Our weekend
As usual, we crammed as much in to one weekend as possible. Here is a run down of what last weekend was all about.
- Friday night was our "low key" night in. I tried to get to bed early and Trever worked on his sermon. It was also my night off from baby duty. Trever got up with Claire in the middle of the night and I got to sleep! Woo hoo!
- Saturday morning we ran up to Trever's work for a little bit and then headed to Kankakee. You may remember that a few weeks ago our car had some pretty serious hail damage. After some shopping around we decided that we would rather spend a little extra money and upgrade instead of getting our car repaired. Saturday afternoon we came home with this.
A 2010 Chevy Equinox. It's still full of baby stuff, but it's a little bit bigger than our car and we are really enjoying the way it drives and we're still getting pretty good gas mileage.
- From Kankakee we headed to visit with Aunt Kyla, Uncle Ron and Cousin Maddison. As soon as Claire and Maddi saw each other they held hands! They're going to be the best of friends!
- Claire looks a little goofy in this picture but she had a big ol' gummy grin on her face! We didn't get a lot of good pictures since the girls seemed to be sleeping or cranky at opposite times.
- After dinner Trever headed to Piper City for Gospel Night in the park and Claire and I stayed to play with Maddison.
- Sunday morning we went to 2 church services. Trever put his Lay Speaking skills to use and preached in Onarga and Piper City.
- After church we had another photo op at home. Trever has become quite the gardener. He found a zuchini bigger than Claire in the garden.
- After lunch and naps, we headed to the Guth's for Claire's meet and greet. We got to introduce her to many friends of our family and got some very nice gifts. Unfortunately I did not take a single picture to document the night.
This is my last full week at home before I go back to work. I'm starting to dread sending Claire to the babysitter but I'm sure she will do great for Miss Mary. We've spent some time picking up around the house the last couple of days but have been sure to squeeze in a nap. Tomorrow, Grandma Marge is going to go to Kankakee with us to do a little shopping while the car gets remote start put on it. Then we are looking forward to relaxing the rest of the week. The only thing on the schedule the rest of the week is my appointment with Dr. H on Friday and probably a visit to Aunt Ria!
Posted by
Trever & Krista
12:42 PM
Friday, July 24, 2009
6 weeks!
Posted by
Trever & Krista
6:53 AM
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
A big weekend!
We have been on the go go go for the last week so we have a lot to blog about! Claire and I are finally getting each other figured out and seem to have conquered the food situation. She is growing like a weed! On July 10th she weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces (just 2 ounces more than her birth weight a month earlier). Trever weighed her on the bathroom scale and she weighed 10 pounds! We don't take her back to the doctor for a couple of weeks but I'll be anxious to see what she weighs at her 2 month apointment.
Here is the last week or so in pictures!
Everyone told us that our romantic meal at the hospital would be the last quiet meal we had together. They were right! Somebody else seems to be hungry every time we sit down for dinner. She was really eyeing up some terriyake (sp) pork loin that "Aunt" Amy made for us.
Friday night Trever had to go practice for "Aunt" Nicole & "Uncle" Kevin's wedding. Trever was a "bridesman" and escorted Megan the "groomsmaid" down the aisle.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin & Nicole Wiltz!
Nicole and her daddy dancing together at the reception.
This week has been a little calmer during the day. The nights are keeping us on the road though. We are back in the search for a new day care provider but we will be meeting with a lady in Piper City tonight. Keep your fingers crossed that it works out!
Posted by
Trever & Krista
7:15 AM
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Good Helper!
Posted by
Trever & Krista
3:18 PM
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monroe-Read Reunion
Last Friday we headed to Madison, Wisconsin for the Monroe-Read Reunion. This is my mom's side of the family and they get together every other year. It was a good time as always.
On Friday, Claire and I headed north with my parents and Trever came after work with Kirk. Claire was an amazing traveler and slept the entire trip up and back!
We made it to Madison and after a little bit of visiting headed out to dinner with Aunt Carol, Uncle Rog and mom's cousins Helen and Dwight from Minnesota.
During the night we were woken up by a car alarm in the parking lot. We checked it out and realized that there was one heck of a storm going on outside. The next morning we found out that our car had some serious hail damage. I think there was only one car from our reunion that escaped without damage.
We had breakfast Saturday morning, visited with relatives, and then took Claire on her first college visit to the University of Wisconsin campus. I don't think she was a big fan! :) We went to the student union which is set on a very nice lake. We had lunch and ice cream and the rest of the crew had a couple of pitchers of beer (that doesn't happen on the U of I campus!) and checked out a little bit of campustown.
We had a great time catching up with relatives and meeting some new ones. Claire met her 3rd cousin, Ainsley Brown, and they really enjoyed each other. We look forward to taking Claire to the next reunion when she'll be old enough to play!
Posted by
Trever & Krista
12:48 PM
4 weeks
Claire is officially over one month old! She celebrated her 1 month birthday at a family reunion in Madison, WI. Before we took off for the reunion we went for our last appointment with Dr. H. We'll be meeting with a new doctor for her 2 month check up. During Claire's 4th week of life she:
Posted by
Trever & Krista
12:36 PM
Friday, July 3, 2009
3 weeks old!
Claire is 3 weeks old now! It's hard to believe how fast time is going by but how little we are getting accomplished around the house. She is still just a little thing, but as much as she eats she's gotta be packing on the pounds. We haven't done too much this week. Yesterday we had lots of visitors. Maggie St. P came over in the afternoon and Barb M. and Kim R. came over in the evening.
Today we are having a lazy day at home. I did make it through the shower but just put on different pajamas. We aren't expecting any company so hopefully it stays that way or they at least call before they come!
Trever has been busy working, moving the carport, and baling hay. Hopefully he'll get a lot done tonight so we can spend Claire's first 4th of July together.
Time to tend to the little fussbutt on the floor!
Posted by
Trever & Krista
12:06 PM