Claire is 8 months old today! She's celebrating by having cereal and bananas for breakfast, spending the day with Ms. Mary & Ms. Cierra, and spending the night at Grandma & Grandpa's house before her professional photo shoot tomorrow.
Here are some photos from the life of an 8 month old...
Claire wore her "Neela dress" to church on Sunday. This picture is for Auntie Ria and Graysen! I had a GREAT picture of her smiling and standing up without holding on but then I realized I didn't have a card in my camera. By the time I got the card loaded she was ready for a nap!
Claire is sporting her new Valentine's Day jam jams from Gammy & Papa.
She LOVES horsey rides of all kinds. She laughs so hard when daddy puts her on his shoulders! And, she likes to crawl back to her stable to ride her bouncy horse too. So what kind of fun things does our little sweetheart enjoy at 8 months...
- eating anything we'll feed her and a few things that she finds on the floor
- standing up with no hands
- cheesy grins to show off her two bottom teeth
- playing with her puppy that sings "when you're happy and you know it clap your hands"
- She hasn't quite mastered clapping but loves to beat on things to make noise
- Ms. Cierra taught her how to wave
- "talking" on the phone (or fighting mommy for the phone and then getting quiet when she hears someone talking to her. She always gets a HUGE grin on her face)
- bath time!
- unloading the dishwasher (climbing on the door when it's down and pulling out the bottom rack)
- Getting in the refrigerator when the door is open
- giving open mouthed kisses on your head (slobbering in your hair)
- drinking juice from her sippy cup
- saying mamamamamam and bob bob bob bob bob and yayayayaya and occasionally we let daddy pretned she is saying dadadadada
- saying the above very loudly during church
- flirting with anyone who will pay attention to her!
And without further adiue...the incredible shrinking bear!
love the pictures of her Neela dress! She is so stinking cute!!!
We just looked back at early pictures of the incredible shrinking bear. She's growing so fast now! Love the list of things about her at 8 months. Good way to remember all the things she is doing.
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