Monday, April 12, 2010

10 months

Claire had a pretty low key 10 month birthday yesterday. She was super happy when she woke up and even cuddled for a little while. She ate pancakes, took a nap, went to church, ate some lunch, helped remodel the garage, played with Gammy and Papa, took a LONG nap and then posed for pictures before bathtime, playtime and bedtime.

Getting pictures with the bear continues to become more difficult. We've also learned that Claire is not a big fan of the grass when it touches her bare legs as you can see in the last picture!



the Voelker's said...

aww....cute pictures again...and I haven't found a child yet that likes the feel of grass....well maybe Graham only because he wanted to get to the dirt!

Shelia said...

ADORABLE!!She is the cutest 10-month old I know. And get her out of that cold grass!! Hope you all are doing well.

Love, Aunt Shelia

MJ said...

The grass thing cracks me up! We've heard of quite a few kids who didn't like that.

arademaker said...

I remember one of the Thurmans would pull up their little feet as you tried to set them down and they would touch the grass. What a happy little girl though.

arademaker said...

I remember one of the Thman kids pulling their feet up when you would try to put them down and they could feel the grass. Too funny. What a happy little girl though.