Monday, October 11, 2010

16 months

I think the theme for the past month would have to be babies! We have been able to meet lots of new little friends in the last few weeks, celebrate babies on the way and even worry a little about babies wanting to come too early or one that really wasn't sure he wanted to come at all!

The first weekend in October we had some very special house guests. The Todd family came to stay with us on Friday night and we all got to tailgate together before the football game on Saturday. I didn't get Andrew in the picture, but here is Claire with her friend, and one of my favorite little boys, Jeremiah.

We also got to meet Baby Abby at the tailgate. Abby's mommy & Claire's mommy use to show pigs together and then were in the same dorm & sorority in college. We were very excited to finally meet her!

After a big day of football on Saturday we headed to Grandma & Grandpa Builta's house to celebrate Great Grandma Builta's birthday. Claire wasn't sure what to think about the singing and fire on the cake. Great Grandma made Claire the bib she was wearing and a really cute little jacket. They are two of our favorite items right now.
Claire LOVES her kitty. She tends to be a little rough with him as you can see here.

Saturday morning I got to meet one of the newest members of our "family". I don't have a picture of little Hunter but I hope to beg his mommy & daddy for one soon.

Saturday evening we got to meet Mr. Caleb. Caleb's mommy & Claire's daddy have been friends for a long time. He was an awfully good boy during his visit and Claire thought he was ok. I'm afraid he might have gotten a little roughed-up by Claire if he'd been here much longer!

And on Sunday I helped host a baby shower for our good friends Nicole & Kevin. They are expecting their first baby in December! They've had a rough couple of weeks and Nicole was really excited to be out of the house for a while...and doesn't she look great!?!

And today Claire turned 16 months old. She is becoming quite a big girl! If only we could get her potty trained! :) So, here is what Claire is up to at 16 months....

  • Cottage Cheese! This kid would never eat anything else if we didn't make her!
  • She pets the heifers on the nose and tongue and then squeels and puts her hands up to her face like she thinks it's the coolest thing ever!
  • She says "shhh" when she sees a baby.
  • She amazes me with how well she can follow directions. When she wants to follow directions that is. For example, I just asked her to push the chair under the table and she did!
  • She likes for us to pour water in to her little toy cups and then spills most of it down her front.
  • She says lots of words that we understand.
  • She likes Elmo and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. She says "hotdog" and dances just like Mickey does.
  • She climbs up and down out of her high chair.
  • She can count to 3 without much prompting and Ms. Mary & Ms. Cierra are working with her on her colors and shapes.
  • She says "cheese" when she sees a camera or cell phone.
  • She likes to watch tv and mommy likes that she will sit quietly while the tv is on.

I've been trying to catch more simple daily activities with her on camera. Hopefully I'll do better than I have. Here are her 16 month pictures with the incredible shrinking bear!!!


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures--especially the one in the cheerleading outfit! It looks like Claire's legs are getting longer.

the Voelker's said...

lots and lots of babies is the theme!! You guys are at that age where all your friends are having much fun!! Cute pics of Claire and she is growing up way to fast, glad to read she does slow down sometimes and sits with you!! We need to get together soon!