This past week we went to Maroa and watched our niece, Caisey, play basketball. It was her 8th grade night and she and her parents were introduced before the game.
We didn't get very many good pictures since we were trying not to use the flash. Caisey started the game and played the majority of it.
This week Claire also turned 17 months old. We are a few days late with pictures, but at least we got one with a smile.
And one proving that the terrible twos aren't very far away.
- Loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and the Hotdog song
- Talks about babies and carries her doll around the house. She's also been seen trying to feed her baby cherios and her sippy cup.
- Climbs in the bathtub.
- Likes to sit on her potty chair but that's all she does.
- Reads lots of books. She likes to say "what's that?" and have us tell her. Or she will point to the characters when we name them.
- Grandma Marge has taught her what to say in response to "I-L-L" and it sounds a little like "I-I-I"
- She pulls the kitchen chair up to the counter to help make supper
- Pretends to talk on the phone but refuses to talk on the phone for real
- Pretends lots of things are telephones and holds them up to her ear.
- Holds things up to her eyes (phones, books, sunglasses) and says "CHEESE"
Caisey has grown into a lovely young lady. Of course, I last saw her at your wedding.
I like Claire's happy face much better than the other. Obviously Grandpa B. wasn't around to give her what she wanted in the unhappy picture.
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