We all came away from Christmas extremely spoiled! We started with a three day work week, which is always nice, and Trever had a great week of sales to boot! That will help pay all of those hefty Christmas credit card bills!
We started our gift giving on the 23rd, celebrating with the Kuipers portion of the family. Claire looked awfully cute and we posed a few pictures in front of one of Gammy's many Christmas trees.
Claire got tons of toys, but she still goes back to her books. She got a couple of coloring books which were a big hit!

Ron and Caisey tend to just sit back and take it all in.

The little girls got new slippers for Christmas. Claire has been wearing hers most of the day today. They are pretty darn cute.

Not very often is there a picture with me in it. Besides having a bad hair day, it actually looks like Claire likes me in this picture!

I also have a hard time getting a picture of Maddison when she is smiling. This is kind of crooked, goofy little smile, but it is a smile!

Caisey got new undies for Christmas. Uncle Trever thought it would be funny to take a picture and send it to Caisey's boyfriend. She was pretty embarassed!

But I think she was even more embarassed by the pajama pants I made her. I made the three girls matching pj pants. The two little girl's pants turned out ok, but Caisey's were a little on the big side. From what I hear, Kyla has been wearing them and she is having a baby sometime in the next month!

The only picture I have of all three girls. Modeling their pants!

The little girls got wagons for Christmas from Gammy & Papa. They were a big hit!

They preferred to share a wagon! Their is plenty of room for both of them, and their drinks, inside.

On Christmas Eve we headed to LeRoy for the Builta Christmas festivities. Claire wore her Santa dress and looked SOOOO pretty.

She got lots of goodies and loved on one of the many babies she got as gifts.

After fighting a nap, and waking up on the wrong side of the bed, we headed to Great Grandma Builta's house. Claire helped Great Grandma unwrap her presents.

And she helped Kara unwrap her present...

and gave baby Jesus kisses.

We took the annual family pictures. Aunt Carol was home from Florida for a few days. Here she is with a portion of her nieces and nephews.

Two good pictures of Claire and me in two days. It's hard to believe! Even if Kirk did crop Trever out when he was taking the picture!

Another great picture of Claire Bear!

Our immediate family...

Kirk was apparently trying to be "artistic" when he took this one of Kenneth, Kathi & Kara. I just like the goofy look on Kathi's face!

And a picture of Grandma Builta with 3 of her 5 grandkids and Claire!

Four generations of Builtas.

Christmas morning we slept in a little bit and then opened presents at home. Claire got her very own kitchen. She has been cooking for us all day today!

This was her 3rd stocking and she finally figured out what to do with it!

Santa brought her a rocking horse. She wasn't too thrilled about it Christmas morning. She would make it neigh and gallop, but she did not want any part of riding it.

A cheesy Christmas morning picture with daddy.

After we unwrapped the presents at home, we headed to Grandma Ficklin's house.

We attempted a family picture, but you can tell how well that worked out!

We did get a good picture of Will, Kelly, Janet & Russ.

Claire also enjoyed her new sunglasses from Uncle Russ & Aunt Janet. She's been wearing them off and on today too!

Cousin Kelly looked pretty cute too!

Christmas afternoon we headed back to Gammy & Papa's for naps before dinner. About dinner time, Great Papa Kuipers, Dee & Marshall came to play. Great Papa got a new snow shovel for Christmas. The girls thought it was a toy and pulled each other on it.

Great Papa also got a balance bracelet. He had read about these bracelets in one of his magazines, and at 90 years old, he sometimes gets a little unsteady. So, we got him a balance bracelet, which seems to be all the rage with people who have never had balance issues! Trever took the test to see if the bracelet worked.

Great Papa also gives some of the best gifts. He got this pretty purple kitty for Claire for Christmas. I have to say, it is the one gift that she has played with over and over again!

After dinner we played some heated hands of Euchre. Claire hopped up to play like she knew what she was doing.

We really did have a great week of Christmas celebrations. It did feel a little rushed this year since Trever and I left for Miami the day after Christmas, but we were glad we got to spend time with our entire family!
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