Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy 90th Birthday, Great Papa

Claire's Great Papa Kuipers, and her namesake, turned 90 on December 30th. We celebrated yesterday with an open house at the church.

The cake looked awesome and every last bit of it was edible.
The preacher caught Claire drawing on the wall with a crayon so she let us use some of this newsprint. Claire has been addicted to tracing her hand on paper thanks to Papa Wayne, so when we told her to lay down and we'd trace her whole body she laid SO STILL! She thought it was so cool that she tore it in to confetti!

Grandpa Kuipers with his birthday cake. Not too shabby for 90!

4 generations of Kuipers.
He had a very nice turn out during the 2 hour open house.
And Claire slept for about an hour and a half of it. That's her on the floor covered by daddy's coat.
And a picture of my good lookin' husband.


the Voelker's said...

cute pics (as always) Happy Belated Gpa Kuipers!!!! He is a treasure!!