Claire is completely Eastered out. After 3 days of cousins, 4 easter egg hunts and more candy than you can shake a stick at, this girl woke up with a nasty cough this morning. I think she's had enough! But she sure was cute doing it all!
Claire spent Wednesday & Thursday with Grandma and Papa Wayne. Thursday night we picked up a very special visitor. Claire talked about Caisey the whole trip, but as soon as we picked her up, her tune changed. She gave Caisey the stink eye for a while. But, come Friday morning, she was excited to "wake saysey up".
Friday afternoon Claire went with the kids from Mary's to the Piper City nursing home for an Easter egg hunt. They hunted inside because of the weather, but she brougth home candy nonetheless.
Saturday we joined Maddison & Gammy for the Onarga Woman's Club Easter Egg hunt. It was a quick hunt but the girls came out with lots of gum and chocolate! They had fun running around and Gammy & Daddy let their true competitive colors show. The apple must not fall too far from the tree because Claire was picking up two eggs at ta time. Daddy helped her open them and find all the candy!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Posted by
Trever & Krista
6:22 PM
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Where have we been?
It's been a while since I've posted and I haven't taken very many pictures lately. Here are a few to get you up to date. Claire LOVES her kitty and LOVES her Elmo Jammies. What she doesn't love is when Congo fights back. The poor girl deserves every bite and scratch she gets, and she sure has a lot of them. Claire got her first bandaid last week (that wasn't for a shot). I'm not really sure what happened but she had a cut by her toe nail that wouldn't stop bleeding (probably from Congo). She didn't think much of the bandaid either.
She really likes to CHEESE for the camera and then have mommy show it to her.
Frida night we celebrated my 30th birthday at Jupiters. Joey took a few pictures and if anyone else has some, I'd love a copy! This was at the end of the night with my wonderful husband!
Claire spent all night with Miss Mary so mommy and daddy didn't have to be responsible!
Today we celebrated Easter with the Builtas and Reads. Papa Wayne even hid some eggs for Claire.
Mommy tried to take some good pictures in one of her 3 pretty Easter dresses. These are the best I got!
Posted by
Trever & Krista
7:43 PM