Sunday, January 20, 2013

10 tigers

This morning when I picked claire up from wee worship I asked her what she learned about.  She told me she learned about 10 tigers that had ouchies and that jesus made them feel better.  But, only one of then said thank you.  Now, I'm no bible scholar, but I don't remember anything about jesus healing tigers.  So I asked claire about it and she said, not tigers mommy, leopards.  Then it hit me, she learned about 10 lepers that were healed by jesus!  The amazing thing is that she understood the message even if she was mistaken on the species with the ouchies.


Anonymous said...

Now, that's a good one. Maybe you should send it in to Readers Digest.
How is Kelson doing with his hearing aids. I loved the pictures with your last post. Especially the last one.

Gma Builta said...

She makes me smile!

Annette said...

LOL, that's a great kid story. So sweet!