Wednesday, July 25, 2012
3 months
Posted by
Trever & Krista
7:27 PM
Sunday, July 15, 2012
No News is Good News!
I know, I know there hasn't been a blog update in a while, but as the old saying goes; No News is Good News.
It is hard to describe how peaceful it is being together as a family of 4. Kelson is pretty easy going. He has been sleeping well, 4-6 hours at a time during the night, and eating 2.5-3 oz at each feeding. He does get fussy from time to time, but loves being held, and his vibrating bouncy seat.
We had his first appointment with Dr. Austman, who delivered him, on Tuesday. Kelson weighed 7 lb 14 oz and was 21 inches long. He had gained 9 oz in a week. If she hadn't known his history, I'm pretty sure Dr. Austman would have not known there had ever been anything wrong with him.
We had a pretty full weekend starting Friday night. Claire had some friends visit from her former daycare in Piper City. We had a great night with Miss Cierra, Miss Audrey and their crew. Saturday brought our first family cookout hosted at the new house. Kristas Aunt Carol was home from Florida, and her Aunt Janet came down from Chicago, so we offered to host lunch for the crew. We had 13, including Kelson, and enjoyed a great summertime meal of cheeseburgers, sweet corn, melon, blackberries, zucchini, pasta salad and brownies.
Today Kelson made his first trip into "Grandma Greats" house. We even left him for a couple of hours to spend more time with Great Aunt Carol.
This week is looking to be a busy one, and hopefully is rounded out by a trip to the Iroquois County Fair, and a first birthday party. It is great to be back enjoying the simple things in life. You don't realize how much you take these things for granted...
Posted by
Trever & Krista
8:30 PM
Friday, July 6, 2012
Today Kelson had his follow up hearing test at the ECHO center (Expanding Children's Hearing Opportunities). The goal was to have him in a deep sleep during the test. When we arrived at the center, we went to a room with a rocking chair to feed Kelson and make him sleepy. They attached electrodes to his forehead and behind his ears. Shortly after getting a full belly, Kelson was asleep in my arms and they were able to begin the test. They placed a tube in his ear that was attached to the computer to produce sounds. Kelson was an excellent patient.
Unfortunately the results of the test were not what we were hoping for. Kelson has a hearing impairment called "Auditory Neuropathy" (AN). His ears can hear sounds, but the nerves have trouble recognizing sounds. Basically there is a miscommunication between his ear and his brain. We will not know the severity of his condition until he continues to develop, but hopefully early intervention will help the prognosis. We were told that this condition could improve as Kelson matures, and there are devices that can assist with hearing down the road. For right now we just need to wait and see.
Even though this was disappointing news, after what we have been through, this is a minor complication. Kelson has broken so many belief barriers, that I'm sure he won't let this slow him down. We know for a fact that God will not give us more than we can handle.
Otherwise Kelson is doing great. Last night he ate at 10 PM, went to sleep, ate at 2:30 AM, went to sleep, and woke up around 5:30. Hopefully he has his days and nights straight so we can continue to get a pretty full nights sleep. It is exciting to have our first weekend home together!
Posted by
Trever & Krista
7:48 PM
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Family Time
Wow, the past two days have been great.
Tuesday night we tucked Kelson into his pack n play in our room after his bottle and he was sound asleep. He slept for 5 hrs, before I finally woke him up to eat. This is the first time he was ever really able to sleep in a dark, quiet place, since the NICU is busy 24/7. I got up to feed him around 2:30 AM and he was wide awake, so I spent some time hanging out with him on his blanket. He ate again at 6 AM, and after I fed him, I woke Krista up so I could catch a few more hours of sleep.
Kristas parents came and took Claire to the 4th of July parade in Bellflower, and Kristas grandma came over to hold Kelson for the first time. We ended up having an impromptu cookout at our house with Kristas family. Everyone left after lunch, and Krista, Claire, and Kelson all laid down for naps. I decided to do something I hadn't done in a looong a movie.
After everyone was awake, we took Kelson on his first outing. We went to our friends, The Todds, so Claire could swim in their new pool. Kelson and I hung out in the A/C while Krista and Claire swam. We went back home and got everyone ready for bed. This time it was Kristas turn to get up for the feedings.
Today I went and got a truckload of boxes and furniture out of storage, and we worked on unpacking and putting stuff away. Claire went to Miss Connies, so we could actually get some stuff accomplished. Kelson has really been easy going since we brought him home. As long as his belly is full, and his pants are clean, he is pretty happy.
Tonight we had more family come to visit. Kristas Aunt and Uncle brought pizza, and 3/4 of the Voelker clan came over.
Tomorrow we will be going back to Champaign for Kelsons audiology appointment. He did not pass the screening in the NICU, so we have to do some more investigating. It is a three hour test, and he is expected to sleep through it...keep your fingers crossed that he cooperates!
Posted by
Trever & Krista
8:09 PM
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Shortly after Kelsons morning feeding, the nurse gave him a sedative and we walked with Kelson down to MRI. Thankfully the sedation kicked in and they were able to perform the test.
After the MRI, Kelson was very groggy, and confused. The sedative seemed to make him a bit loopy and frustrated. Eventually he calmed down and fell back into a good sleep.
We spent the majority of the day just sitting around, waiting for the "green light" to go home. We continue to have doctors and nurses with 20+ years of experience say things like "I've never seen a baby as sick as he was survive", and "I feel so blessed to have worked on your son". Needless to say there were a lot of emotions expressed today, and tears shed.
Finally at about 2 PM the doctor had reviewed the MRI, and told us we were officially discharged. Even through we were free to go, our nurse advised us to wait until he had fully woken up, and eaten, so he wouldn't fuss on the drive home. Finally at 3:30 Kelson woke up and was ready to eat. After getting his belly full, we put him in the car seat, and loaded him and his belongings into the wagon. After one more tearful walk around the NICU, we were out the doors. I pulled the car up to the entrance and Kelson was wheeled out to take his first breath of fresh air.
Kelson handled the ride home well, and we spread out a blanket in the living room and all sat in awe....Kelson was home. Kristas parents brought Claire over, along with a delicious dinner. Claire was sooo excited to play with her new "toy" and doesn't understand why she can't hold him by herself, or feed him by herself. I'm sure she will adjust just fine.
Tonight we could hear the Downs fireworks, and Krista and Claire went out to watch them in the yard. What a great way to celebrate and amazing day.
We will continue to update the blog, but eventually it will not be every day, so feel free to check back often. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to join us on this journey. Every good thought, comment and prayer helped give us strength and helped us be able to bring our miracle home!
Posted by
Trever & Krista
8:32 PM
Monday, July 2, 2012
Kelson was wide awake for most of the morning. There were lots of nurses stopping by to check on him, and asking me when he was going home. Unfortunately, I still did not have an answer. The doctor did not have an answer during the morning rounds. Finally I had an opportunity to visit with the doctor, and he said he would discharge us tomorrow, pending the results of the MRI. The MRI was scheduled for 1:30 PM. They took Kelson down for the test. The goal was for Kelson to be asleep and to lie still in order for the scan to be accurate. Apparently, Kelson did not want to cooperate, and therefore did not complete the MRI. They are going to repeat the test tomorrow under sedation. I really dont understand why they did not sedate him today, but they must have assumed they could reason with a 10 week old and just expect him to lie still. Kelson is still eating well, and had his biggest feeding last night, eating over 3 oz in one feeding. Tonight he weighed about 7 lb 5 oz. He is almost up to his birth weight of 7 lb 12 oz (over 4 lb of which were fluid). Tomorrow Krista and I have full expectations of leaving the hospital with Kelson. We are not sure what will happen with the MRI, or what time we might get to leave, but we are planning on Kelson taking his first breath of outside air, and spending the night in our home. I'm guessing we won't sleep a wink though!
Posted by
Trever & Krista
8:42 PM
Sunday, July 1, 2012
We're ready...
Last night we got the nursery pretty well ready, and this morning I got up early to clean out the car. After 10 weeks of driving back and forth from the hospital, it had gotten quite messy. It is now vacuumed out, wiped down, and ready for the car seat.
Apparently Kelson had still been very fussy overnight, so he started on some gas drops today. As far as we can tell, they are working like a charm. Kelson was very calm and peaceful today. Tonight he almost ate 3 full ounces.
Claire got to spend a little time with Kelson again this weekend. She is definitely ready to have some normalcy again.
Tomorrow Kelson is scheduled to have a routine MRI prior to being discharged. We are hoping to talk the doctor into sending us home on Tuesday, but have not heard anything official yet. It is tempting to just sneak him out the door, but I'm guessing we would set a few alarms off...
Posted by
Trever & Krista
2:53 PM