Sunday, July 1, 2012

We're ready...

Last night we got the nursery pretty well ready, and this morning I got up early to clean out the car. After 10 weeks of driving back and forth from the hospital, it had gotten quite messy. It is now vacuumed out, wiped down, and ready for the car seat.

Apparently Kelson had still been very fussy overnight, so he started on some gas drops today. As far as we can tell, they are working like a charm. Kelson was very calm and peaceful today. Tonight he almost ate 3 full ounces.

Claire got to spend a little time with Kelson again this weekend. She is definitely ready to have some normalcy again.

Tomorrow Kelson is scheduled to have a routine MRI prior to being discharged. We are hoping to talk the doctor into sending us home on Tuesday, but have not heard anything official yet. It is tempting to just sneak him out the door, but I'm guessing we would set a few alarms off...


Anonymous said...

Looking forward for the blog that says: WE ARE HOME!!! Love you all. Aunt Janet

Marla said...

YEAH! What a long road you have been on to get to the next few days! Looking forward to hearing that he is on our way home. Give us a shout when it is happening! We would love to provide you a meal or anything else that we could help with!

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Let us know exactly when D-day will be, we can help out in anyway you need!!!

Smiling ear-to-ear,


Kayla Sain said...

Congratulations!!! You're so close!!! We said we would put the "mini baby, the CPR baby" in Max's crib and take Max home with us! They would never know, right?? haha I know these last few days will be stressful for you. At this point you are just ready for him to come home!