Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 67

Today was just another "typical" Saturday for us. Claire and I slept in while Trever started mowing the yard. We shipped Claire off to grandma's house and Trever and I headed to the hospital. Kelson is one of the healthier babies right now so there are very few changes happening. However, we have noticed some fussing during his bottles so we are switching up his diet once again. We are going to see if some gentle formula will help. This is something a parent of a "normal" newborn would deal with too. We are getting Kelson's room ready for him but we have a ways to go. The poor kid finally has a few diapers, a new bottle, and some clothes hanging in his closet. I guess the pains of being the second child are already starting. We are still hoping to have our family of four under the same roof by the 4th of July. We aren't real sure what the doctors have in mind for us yet but it shouldn't be much longer. In the mean time we will keep trying to be present for Claire, keep making our house a home, work as many hours as we can, be with Kelson at the hospital and continue to live the dream.


Anonymous said...

and you are doing a wonderful job doing each and every one of those things! Proud of you guys for what you have endured and conquered the last few months!

Love Ya,
