Friday, June 15, 2012

A Plan

Kelsons feedings are continuing to go well. He still gets to try bottles on 4/8 feedings. He generally eats 50-90 % of the amount he needs to take, but seems to be catching on more and more.

Apparently there was some confusion/miscommunication in the surgery department, and Kelson does need to have hernia surgery. He is scheduled to have that on June 27.

The medical team wants to continue to keep a close watch on Kelson for at least two weeks after stopping the octreotide treatments, which will be approximately June 27 as well. If the chylothorax does not return, and Kelson is eating well enough, he can come home after recovering from the surgery. Best case scenario, we will be home by the Fourth of July!

We are excited to have a target date in mind, but are still cautiously optimistic. It feels good knowing this chapter of our lives may soon be over.


Gabe & Annette Fairchild said...

We're very glad to hear things are going so well. We will continue to keep Kelson and your family in our prayers! God is good!

Anonymous said...

it's always great to have plan!!! Awesome news.
