Kelson had another big eating day. He is now being offered a bottle on all 8 feedings, and whatever he doesn't finish goes through his feeding tube. He ate a full bottle at 3 AM and 6 AM. He took 80% at 9 AM and 87% at noon. At 3 PM he was too worn out to eat, but ate well again at 6 PM. He now weighs 6 lb 14 oz.a
Claire also got to go to the doctor today. She had her 3 year old checkup with Dr. Austman, and a physical for preschool. She had to have some blood drawn, and didn't even cry! She now weighs 35 lb and is 40 inches tall.
We know there are people from all over reading the blog, but we have no idea how many people, or who those people are. We are wanting to put the blog postings into a scrapbook or journal for Kelson, and think it would be neat for him to look back and see all of the support he has had since the day he was born.
Please do us the favor of typing a comment below with at least your name, and City, State so Kelson can know how loved he is. Thank you in advance!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
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Posted by
Trever & Krista
8:00 PM
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I eagerly await your blog each night. It usually comes up shortly after 11:00 PM in Florida. I am looking forward to meeting my favorite great nephew in July.
Aunt Carol Builta
The Villages, Fl
Have faithly read your blog daily since the IJAA posted it on facebook. It has been the last thing I look up before heading off to bed, this has allowed me to specify my nightly prayers for Kelson. My husband and I have found your blog very interest. Thanks for sharing your family's journey with us!
Staci Sundberg-Sundberg Farms Mendota, IL
I try staying up everynight to read your updates, if I dont catch them at night its the first thing I do in the A.M. Im so glad Kelson is doing alot better!! I pray for your lil guy every night!! I ask your dad how Kelson is doing when I see him at K&H.
Armando Ontiveros
Hey buddy!!!
I have been following your mommy and daddy's blog since before you and your big sister become a big part of it. Since you have been here I haven't missed a post. I have enjoyed and have found so much hope in reading about your daily progress, your ups and downs, but most of all I have seen how much prayer works.
You are continuing to strive and grow up into someone that MANY MANY are looking up too. I cannot wait to continue to watch you grow and someday hopefully we can convince daddy to let you show a pig or two at the State fair:)
Much love and many blessings to you as you grow and continue to prove how big God really is:) May God bless you Kelson Ray!!!!
Danielle Lash
Pana, Illinois
we are so proud to be part of Kelson's life. You all are so strong and we look forwards to reading about Kelson's journey each day. Looking forwards to the days when our kids will play and show together! God bless and go Team Kuipers!!!
Chad, Nicole, Haley and Max Daugherty
Cerro Gordo. IL
Still checking in daily on your little miracle!!! Wishing you all the best!!
Laura Wilhelm, St. Louis, MO
So glad to see you are continuning on your road to go home. Always remember God is good! I read your updates daily to see how your day has gone and how the rest of your family is getting along. We can't wait to see you at a show real soon. God bless. Carrie Prox-Keeney
Dear Kelson,
I read this blog every day and we also came to see you at the hospital when you were first born. Seeing you in the NICU was a new experience for me. You were so sweet. I told your mom that I'm coming back when I get to hold you. I meant it! I will hold you when they tell me I can and I'm looking forward to it. You have a wonderful Mommy, Daddy, and Big Sister.
JoEllen Gehring
Fairbury, IL
Good Hope IL
I have read your posts every night to check on an incredible story... You have two great parents and and a loving sister. Keep up the good work Kelson!!
Chad, Amanda, Bowen and Korinn Hesterberg
Spring Valley IL
I tried this before and it did not work but I will try again. I agree with your Aunt Carol. I look forward to meeting Kelson and "getting my hands on him". I look forward to holding him and getting to know him. I look forward to reading the blog and learning how quickly Kelson is growing. I also look forward to seeing Claire and the rest of you. You will stay in my prayers.
Aunt Janet Carlson (Thornton, Il)
God placed you in an amazing family! You have a Daddy and Mommy and big sister that love you so so much.God has big plans for you and so many are praying! You don't know us but it has been so awesome watching God work a miracle in you and reading your story. You are a rockstar :)
Keep fighting lil guy!
Blessings...Jason and Laura Strough
Forrest, Illinois
We've been keeping track of your progress everyday, Kelson. You are amazing! And so cute too! We can't wait to meet you at the next family reunion (you'll be running all over the place by then!).
Love from Pomona, CA
Betsy, Kyle, Mattea, Ainsley & Wilson Brown
We have been here since the start of it all!! We love you guys!!
Michael, Ria, Graysen and Graham
Gibson City, IL
We have been watching your progress from the day of your birth and are praying for you and your family. We look forward to meeting you!
Randy & Diane Lloyd
Normal, IL
We are so happy to see kelson making progress and growing stronger. We have been praying for your family and cheering you on!
Patrick, Kelly, and Caitlynn Sanders, Champaign IL
Wow! Words can't describe the emotional roller coaster our family has been thru, but with two miracles in our family within the last couple of months, there is only one thing I can say....God has a definete plan for you and Uncle Ron! I can't wait for you to come home so Maddi can see you. She asks about you all of the time, plus Kempton is ready to teach you the ropes. Miracles do happen with the power of prayer!
Uncle Ron, Aunt Kyla, Caisey, Maddi, and Kempton
So glad he is doing so well. Stay strong and positive I know he will strong just like his mother I knew back in high school!
The Amos
Litchfield. Il
Have been reading and praying every day for this little guy and your whole family. Have not missed a blog. So happy that he is doing so well.
Joyce Beesley
Onarga, IL
You are a strong little man and such an inspiration!
Tammy Josefik
Piper City, Il
You are truly a miracle! With all the love and prayers going your way, and a wonderful family encouraging you to fight I could not imagine that you would fail. Keep this in mind as you grow older and obstacles are in your way. You can overcome anything!
Karen and David Barton
Ottawa, IL
Reading the blog everyday and thankful for you taking the time to keep us posted. Our children mean the world to us and we are blessed to have incredible talented doctors all over the world to help out in a time of need. Your family is inspiring keeping the faith. Love and Prayers Ashley Rommelman Field Service Manager @ PSI in Nashville, IL
You all have been in our prayers. We're so glad to hear how well Kelson is doing. God is good!
~Gabe, Annette, & Lennon Fairchild
Gibson City, IL
What a fighter you are! You have spoiled everyone with your progress and we all can't wait to see what is in store for your future. Stay strong little man!
Sarah Lytel
Bellflower, Illinois
I can't wait to read your blog every morning and see what progress Kelson has made....And he has done so well!!!! Your faith is an inspiration to us all!!!
Kelson, I had the opportunity to meet you when you were just 4 days old. You have given your family quite a scare, but have beat the odds and have reminded us miracles happen! You have proven yourself a fighter and we look forward to reading about and watching you continue to grow! You have a wonderful mommy, daddy and sister. You are so loved!!
Kevin & Sherrie Eimen Castle Rock, CO
What an amazing little boy, keep up the good work! Thanks for keeping all of us updated as we have you all in our thoughts & prayers. Keep the good news rolling!
Katie & Tad Donovan
LeRoy, IL
Reading this blog is one of the first things I do everyday. What an amazing little boy!
Rebecca Perry & Arron, Hayley, and Hannah
P.S. Everyone at the office has been praying and following your every move too!
I have faithfully read your blog and look forward to following your amazing and inspiring journey. Thanks so much to your Mom, Dad and big sister for sharing with us all. You guys are all awesome!
Blair Balbach - Urbana, IL
Can't wait till you are able to come home and enjoy the new house with your mommy, daddy and big sister! You are truely a fighter and continue to amaze me everyday Kelson!
Nicole Rust
Although, I don't talk to Krista much since we left the U of I, I have always enjoyed the blog. I love to hear about Claire and especially the amazing fight Kelson is putting up. Kelson seems to be a very strong boy and a fighter from day 1. I pray for all of you for continued improvements and safe traveling. Thanks for sharing your life with us.
Heather Carty- Hampton
Carlinville, IL
Dear Kelson- I met your Mommy & Daddy through the Todd's (Jeremiah & Andrew's Mommy & Daddy). Your Mommy and I bonded over buffalo chicken dip. Silly Mommy! My husband, Eric, and I have been reading about you on your Mommy & Daddy's blog. Keep drinking those bottles and growing big and strong!!
Hugs & Tickles
Eric & Jane Noyd
Geneseo, IL
I have been faithfully following Kelsons progress since the day he was born. I love to read the great news and continued progress. Praying for the day Kelson comes home and all can be a family under one roof, it will be the most amazing feeling ever.
Love, Kristi Dinderman, Orangeville, IL
Following our future ILLINI as he continues to amaze and astound! AND keeping track of his brave big sister, Claire, and his strong, loving parents, Krista and Trever!! Love you Baby Kelson!
Kim Rader - Onarga, Illinois
Kelson, We got to know your family well when they lived in Piper City. Claire attended the same day care as our boys, Alex and Theo. Your mommy and daddy have become good friends and we miss them being closer to home! You have done a GREAT job of healing and are quite a miracle!
Audrey, Jason, Alex and Theo Angus-Piper City, IL
Oh little man! I don't even know where to begin. Right now I'm in tears reading all these posts from people from so many places that are praying for you and celebrating your every victory. But you'll learn that this is something your mommy and I have in common! Actually, I'm pretty sure I was in tears the day you were born! I was so proud of your mommy that day! We wait for a post about your day to come up each night and read it before we go to bed! We love you, your sister and your mommy and daddy very much! We look forward to many more memories made with you all!
So Happy to hear Kelson is gaining weight and doing well at his feedings. Hope he gets to come home by the fourth of July! Keep it up Kelson!
Kasey Kanosky
Gilman IL
I'm Laura Zoerner, AKA June Clark -- Wayne Builta's cousin. I've lived in California since 1968.
Carol Builta and I have been in touch with each other for years and she has kept me informed about family affairs. I've been following Kelson's progress from the beginning and including all of you in my prayers. Love to all.
Kelson - I've been following your story in the mornings from Atlanta, GA. My mom ( Ellen kennel) and your grandpa Wayne are cousins. I knew your Mommy when she was little ( your sister Claire looks a lot like her when she was little) I am so happy that your parents took time to share and even more excited about your progress. My kids are the same age difference as you and Claire just a few years older ( 5 and 2). Always be sweet to each other!
Jennifer Landram
We have been reading and watching from afar ever since your blog began. Each day is filled with moments....moments shared that are precious and beyond our understanding yet with faith, moments filled with Gol's enduring love.
With grateful heart, hugs, blessings and love,
Kirk and Joan
Elmhurst, IL
We've been following the blog regularly, and are cheering you all on from Minnesota! Can't wait to see you at the next Monroe-Read reunion!
Mark and Cindy Brown Polson
I read the blog every morning. I am so excited for Kelson to be coming home to LeRoy! I look forward to spending time with all of you and watching Kelson and William grow up together!
Erin and Tony Ales (and William)
LeRoy, IL
Dear Kelson
You are one strong and courageous little boy. I have been following your blog ever since you were born when I saw the link on Nicole Daugherty's Facebook page. I used to show cattle when I was younger with your daddy and your aunt Kyla. I hope you continue to impress everyone with your progress and get to come home soon.
Laura (McMillan) Caldwell
Carthage, IL
We are happy to let you know we have been reading the blog since you were born. We are anxiously waiting your homecoming!
Sally Enrietto and Lyle Marshall
I have been praying since our brother in Christ, Joey Wilson asked for prayer for your family in our church. I have checked daily and enjoy hearing what God is doing for Kelson and your family. What a awesome God we serve! I will keep praying until you family is home together!
Gwen Green
LeRoy IL
Well, Kelson--I've been reading about you since DAY ONE! Keep growing and getting stronger, Young Man! You are loved by so many! Jo Whitman
It's been exciting to see all the amazing progress you've been making Kelson!
Kelly Miknaitis- Indianapolis, IN
We have been reading and praying since Kelson was born. Cant wait to see you out and about as a family in LeRoy.
The Noe's Rod, Denise, Craig, Brent and Dalton.
LeRoy, Il
Kelson, we all love you and your Mommy, Daddy and big sis, Claire. When you were tiny and so very sick we all said prayers for you to get strong.
Gwen Thomas
Onarga, IL
You are truly one lucky little boy to have such wonderful parents who will bring you up knowing His word. I haven't missed a post and say a prayer for your daily. I can't wait for you to go home so I can meet you. Love all of you
Andrew, April and Caleb May
St. Peters, MO
We are so happy to see Kelson improving and growing stronger. We have been praying for your family.
David & Tammy Mylcraine
Piper City, IL
Dear Kelson,
We could not wait for the blog to be posted so we could read how each day was going for you. On our five day getaway we did not miss a blog day by logging in on the hotel's computer. You have such caring and loving parents and a sweet big sister. Hope we read on the blog soon that you are going home to be with your family.
Lots of Love, Dee & Marshall
Been praying for you since the day you were born Kelson. My little girl, Marissa, and I got to celebrate when your mommy & daddy got married. You clearly have a great family & friends who will forever protect you & keep you as safe as they can. As of today you weigh more than Marissa did when she was born. Your progress is amazing. I'm sure you'll continue to impress & inspire many.
--Kelly & Marissa Williams, Paxton, IL
I read your updates every morning. I pray every night that you continue to grow stronger and stronger. You are an inspiration and an angel. I hope to meet you some day soon.
Erin and Steve Gamble
South Elgin, IL
We read your updates everyday. It is amazing to read all the progress you are making.
Kent, Kelly, Ava & Kate Ficklin
Onarga IL
Kelson, you are a perfect little miracle and I pray for you and yourr family every night. I'm soooo thankful for Gods blessings in your life and I'm excited to watch you grow into a little man who has overcome so many challenges already. Keep fighting kelson! I can't wait to meet you and see your family and new home. Becky Freed, fairbury, Il
Kelson, our families will likly never meet but that sure doesn't mean you don't deserve our prayers. I came across your parents blog after I had been following Ron O's Careing bridge site( that I found when I saw a request for prayers on I can always find time to pray for a fellow livestock lover. You are one brave and strong little boy and your parents are amazing. We are all watching your progress and are proud of you ! Keep up he good work'!
Your fellow livestock lovers,
The Doherty's, Shawn, nancy, TJ , Aubrey, Elysa and Isabelle ----- Johnson Creek, WI
We read your updates every night and continue to keep you in our prayers. We're so thrilled at all the progress you've made! Someday soon you'll be running around with your sister, the girls and baby Jake at football tailgates! We can't wait!
Kate, Eric, Alyson, Tessa, and Jake Brucker
Tuscola, IL
We have read you blog since you posted that Kelson arrived in the world on Facebook. I try to keep up to date as much as I can before heading to bed. With our twins being in the NICU for three weeks after being born; we know how you and Krista feel. Our family and Church have been praying for your family and we all hope that he continues to heal and go through his up coming surgery smoothly. It's a blessing to hear that he's doing much better. We will all continue to pray for Kelson and your family and we hope to see all four of you at the next cattle show!
With Love
The Brown/Wineinger Family
Mike (Charlie), Melissa, Emerson, and Vivian Brown
Dennis and Cathy Wineinger
Kelson, I was able to meet you when you were one day old. We have followed your progress every day since. I am convinced that thru the blog your Dad & Mom faithfully post each day, the power of prayer HAD to have a part in your recovery! We know you already are a special blessing to the family, and can't wait to watch you grow up. You have an exceptional Dad & Mom, and your big sister Claire will always be your champion. You are in our prayers each and every day.
Love you all,
Great Uncle Steve & Great Aunt Jeanie
Every day I'm amazed and thank God for the wonderful progress Kelson has made! He's just such a precious gift.
Janice Trudell (work with Marla Todd)
Champaign, Illinois
Kelson, you truly are a gift from God, and you and your wonderful family have touched the lives of many people. You and your family will always be in our prayers. Thanks for sharing your life with us. David and Alice Monk Danforth, IL
No one can ever call you a quitter! You are such an amazing child. Your parents, family, and friends are so happy to have such a wonderful child in their lives. Looking forward to seeing all the trouble that you and Claire create together! Cierra, Andrew, and Kyla Grohler Loda, IL
Kuipers Family,
I love reading your blog and seeing how strong your son is. I am always reminded to be thankful for the little things. Although I have only met Trever at a Family Heritage meeting once, it is so fun to follow along with your journey.
Excited for the day I read you take your son home with you.
Cynthia Schurter
The Woodlands, Texas
You are a miracle baby! I have followed your journey ever since your parents posted of your arrival. I check the blog every morning when I arrive at work and look forward to hearing all the updates. I cried and celebrated with your parents as they keep everyone up to date on your progress. I have prayed for you and your family every night before I go to bed. You have made me stop and appreciate my two healthy little ones every day that goes by. I cannot wait to see the day you go home.
Christina Wilcox
Cary, IL
It is great to watch the progress of Baby Kelson. He has a great support system in place and he is a very lucky little baby
Carol Pfoff
Saybrook, IL
Dear Kelson,
You are one tough cookie. Whenever you are reading this, know that your Father in heaven has incredible plans for your life. Know that you are loved beyond measure. You have a mom and dad who love you so much. Your birth was eagerly awaited, and then watched and prayed over by so many people. I got to meet you in the hospital when you were five days old, and you have continued to fight and beat all the odds and amaze the nurses and doctors. Know that you are deeply beloved.
Katie Prudek,
Chicago, IL
Little Mister Kelson, what a miracle you are! I've been reading about you and praying for you since you were born, and I can't wait to see you when you get to come to your new home in LeRoy. We will be SO HAPPY to welcome you and your parents and sister home to stay!
Steve Dean, Mayor
City of LeRoy, Illinois
Kelson-We met your wonderful mommy and daddy in the NICU! You are a very loved little man! Such a blessing. You're so small, but yet have brought so many people together! We have thought of you every single day since we left the NICU and pray for you to come home soon.
Jaz & Kayla Sain
Altamont IL
So glad to hear you are doing so well Kelson. Keep up the good work.
Pam Hoogstraat
Piper City, IL
Hi Kelson,
I have been praying for you and your family since the day you were born. I am your "Aunt" Ria's mommy. When you are old enough to talk, you can call me Mimi Linda if you want to! You are such a little miracle. I believe in miracles because I believe in God. I can't wait to see you again. Big hugs,
Hi Kelson,
I have been praying for you and your family since the day you were born. I am your "Aunt" Ria's mommy. When you are old enough to talk, you can call me Mimi Linda if you want to! You are such a little miracle. I believe in miracles because I believe in God. I can't wait to see you again. Big hugs,
So I am a little slow on catching up! BUT I do check at least once a week to see how my favorite Ag teacher's baby boy is doing!! Think about you lots!!
Karly Clark
Bloomington, IL
Kelson, I've been reading your family blog since just a few days after you were born. I'm addicted to learning about you and so excited you are doing so well and eating so much!! I know your Mommy, Daddy, and Claire are anxiously awaiting your homecoming! I went to college with your Mommy, and even though she and I only met a few times, we had a lot of the same friends. I've been praying for you and your family and think it's awesome that your Dad updates all of your followers every night!! God bless, Kelson!!
Carrie Riggins, Bloomington, IL
I have been keeping you and your family in my prayers and reading your father's blog every morning since your arrival. You are an example of how powerful prayers can be, you will never know how many prayers have been said for you.
I have known your Grandpa Wayne all his life, our fathers were good friends. As we grew up, our families spent every New Year's Eve together.
Elaine Franzen, Farmer City, IL
sorry I have not read your updates in awhile. I work with Lori Guth - but we have a couple other connections as well. My cousin is Jeff Evers who is a college friend of Kirk's. Ron and Sharon Monroe are good friends with my parents. Ron was one of the groomsmen in their wedding. Sending prayers from Concord, NC!
Colleen Morphey
I love to read about you on your family blog and pray for your continued progress. You were born into such a special, loving family, and I know that love and faith has helped get you this far! I can hardly wait to meet you and watch you show Angus heifers some day!
Lots of love, hugs and prayers,
Shelia Stannard, St. Joseph, MO
I like reading your blogs to see how much Kelson is improving each day, as well as to know that your family is doing well. I will write my family's name down as well since I know they read it but probably won't comment on the blog.
Sarah Mylcraine (Corinth, TX)
Don and Gen Mylcraine (Piper City, IL)
Tammy and David Mylcraine (Piper City, IL)
Pat Cerar from Sanbornton, NH. I spend winters in The Villages,FL and am a friend of Great Aunt Carol. When she told me about you and the blog your parents have written, I was comforted to see what a strong little boy you are. I retired from NICU nursing after 37 years and your story brought back many memories. The outcome couldn't be better and I am delighted that you will soon be home with your amazing family.
i just love seeing how strong you continue to get! You are and always have been a trooper from day one! -Ashlee and Aaron Bertan paxton IL
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