Members of the bridal party start practicing for the reception at the rehearsal dinner.
Trever and Graham try to figure out how to pick on me...thankfully I was wearing a dress so they were nice.
Trever, Graham and Krista.
Emily and Erin
A gift from Amy and Ryan, signed by our wedding party.

Waiting for the wedding to begin.
Kathy helps Grandpa Kuipers get spiffed up!
Trever and Grandma Ficklin
The last sandwhich and it had my name written all over it!
Graysen waiting for her job to begin.
Graham and his pretty pink flower!
Trever and I with the Voelker kids.
Graysen lighting the candles before the ceremony with Uncle Russ watching intently from the choir loft.
Kirk seating mom.
Kara, the maid-of-honor.
Me and my daddy.
Graham passing out whizzers as we exit the church.

The limo ride!

While we were taking pictures at the farm, apparently Amy and Ryan got their picture taken toon!

Have I mentioned that my dressed weighed a ton and it was hot under there!?! The breeze felt GREAT on my legs!

Josh and Maggie St. Peters in the limo.

We made a stop for more Champagne on our way to the reception.