Our wedding day was absolutely perfect! We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day, surrounded by so many of our closest friends and family.
After an exhausting few days, I slept like a rock the night before the wedding. I woke up about 5:30 a.m. and got ready for the big day. Mom and I headed toward Onarga to get our hair done at an 8 a.m. appointment. That's awfully early when the wedding didn't start until 3! We drove around Onarga for a bit to waste some time and luckily the church was unlocked early. We unloaded the car and before long members of the bridal party were beginning to arrive.
Pictures started about 11 a.m and lasted until about 2. Since we were taking all of the pictures before the wedding, the photographer put Trever in the front of the church so I could walk down the aisle to meet him and give us a chance to see each other all dressed up. He had a big goofy grin on his face as our mom's sat in the back of the church and watched.
By the time the pictures were over it was nearly 2 o'clock. I was starving! Thankfully there was one last sandwhich and enough time to unzip my dress so I could breath for a while.
I'm not sure how to describe the ceremony since my point of view was much different than those in the congregation.
Lizzie Guth and Barb Monk were in charge of the guest book. I haven't really talked to these girls since the wedding so I hope things went smoothly. Barb took pictures of each family as the came in the church and the Lizzie was in charge of getting them to sign the photo album next to where those pictures will be placed. I'm excited to see all of the pictures!
Graysen and Graham Voelker, along with Trever's niece, Caisey DeOrnellas, passed out programs for us and then Graysen and Caisey lit the candles.
The scripture that we picked was from Ephesians. We appreciate having Emily Hethke do the reading for us, and I think Pastor Jan did a wonderful job putting in to perspective for our lives.
Our good friends Maggie St. Peters and Nicole Reitz provided music for the ceremony. They sang/played Love Remains while we lit the unity candle.
We recited vows to each other that we had written ourself. Nothing fancy, but definately different than the ones you find in the United Methodist Hymnal.
As we left the church we passed out whizzers to the guests. Graham was in charge of this but got some help from the girls too.
When we left the church, there was a Cadillac Escalade Limo waiting for us. This was probably the part of the day I was the most excited for (besides marrying Trever of course). She took us for a ride around Onarga. It took a little longer than we expected since we couldn't find a place big enough to turn the beast around!
We headed back to the church to pick up the rest of our wedding party and cracked open the champagne! Then we headed to the farm for a few more pictures. Unfortunately the cows were locked up due to the excessive amounts of rain we had the night before. But we did get a picture with the dog!
We loaded back up and headed for the reception. By the time we got to Paxton we had run out of champagne. We stopped by the liquor store and purchased a couple of more bottles to get us the rest of the way to Rantoul.
I'll leave the post about the reception for a later time. If anyone has pictures for any of the above mentioned events, send them my way. In the mean time, here are a few pictures that we do have from our wedding day!
I have no idea what was going on in this pictures, but it must have been hilarious!
Our good lookin' wedding party! They looked wonderful in their pretty green dresses and handsom brown tuxes!
Another picture of the bride and groom, with bestman Seth McIntyre in the background.

Our attendants! They were the perfect people to have standing next to us on our wedding day!

The Kuipers family

I've always enjoyed being surrounded by boys!

The Builta family

Our whole family!

Trever with his personal assistant, April.

Trever and his bestman, Seth.

My mom and dad

Me and my personal assistant, Erin.
so I guess I am one of the only ones that reads your blog and comments (hahaha)! Love reading the blog (I'm a blog-stalker like you, krista!) Love reading about your interpertation of your big day, and love the pictures. I do have some of my kids and some random shots, so I will get those to you. It was a beautiful wedding, ranks right up there with my own!!
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