Sunday, March 1, 2009

Beef Expo and a Check-up

Last weekend was the Illinois Beef Expo and Illinois Angus Futurity. We survived our first time showing cattle together and did it with some success. My little heifer, Dori, did an excellent job allowing me to lead her back and forth from tie outs, rinse her, and get her pretty. Trever's bred heifer, Delila, wasn't quite as agreeable but still did fine. Both girls placed 3rd in their classes and went to new homes. Dori is going to be a 4-H project for a little guy from Jerseyville, and Delila has found greener pastures at an Angus farm near Carrollton, IL. This is my heifer, Dori. She was such a good girl to help me learn to be more comfortable with cows. I'm pretty proud of how well I did last weekend.

Trever is getting Dori ready for the show ring and I'm playing with my camera!

Dori and Trever showed in one of the hardest classes of the day. She did a good job in the showring and Trever looked good showing her!
The girls in their stalls. They became friends with the top selling bull of the weekend across the wall!

After we got home from Springfield and did a ton of laundry, we had a busy week ahead of us.

Sunday we both came down with some nasty colds and spent most of the day resting.

Monday night we didn't do a whole lot but get our reading done for Bible Study.

Tuesday night we became the proud owners of life insurance and then headed to Bible Study.

Wednesday was my monthly check up. I once again got to hear the heartbeat which was still around 150 beats per minute. I go back in 2 weeks for my glucose test and then in 4 weeks for another checkup. We start childbirth classes next week! She's been moving all over in my tummy, but every time her daddy tries to feel it she quits!

Thursday was a haircut and Trever spent some time with Thomas.

Friday night we enjoyed time with the Read/Shols/Gillett family following Great Aunt Edna's visitation. Trever met more of my extended family and I think he actually had a good time!

Saturday we drove to Yorkville for the Sunny Valley Farm dispersal sale and then hit the IW FFA Auction.

Today we went to church and then celebrated Grandpa Kuipers 88th birthday (which was actually in December). Then we were cleaning fools! Our house is cleaner than it's been in quite a while. Now we are settling in to watch what looks to be an exciting episode of Brothers and Sisters.
Next weekend I'm off to Ohio for a weekend with my wonderful nieces! Kathy and I are taking Caisey out to meet her little sister for the first time. It will be a busy week at work for both of us but our evenings should be pretty low key.