This weekend took me back to Ohio for the 3rd time in 7 weeks! But this time was extra special because I got to take Caisey to meet her baby sister for the first time! I enjoyed watching the two girls interact with each other and watching Caisey become more comfortable with such a little baby. I think we all had a good time. We look forward to seeing Kyla, Ron, Caisey and Maddison in Illinois the next time!
While I was gone for the weekend, my husband was home earning MAJOR husband points! He did lots of little projects and one pretty darn big one too! For those of you who have been to our house, you'll probably remember our Illini office. It was painted a khaki color on top and a navy blue on bottom. It was home to many of our Illini items, my college t-shirt quilt, and lots of junk. It looked something like this...

This weekend it was transformed in to this!
It looks much better in person! Trever definately went above and beyond! It's not quite complete, but it sure made a BIG impression when I got home. I expected it to be plain brown, but the pink stripes on the wall were a complete surprise! I don't know where Trever comes up with some of his ideas. He decided that if he painted them on he would never get the stripes straight. So, he bought self adhesive wall paper and cut it in to strips! There are going to be stripes on another wall too. It still looks a little bare, but I'm sure we'll have plenty to fill it up in no time!
We look forward to getting to see it in person!
Question - Where does the office stuff go now?
What a sweet husband! Can't wait to see the room in person. Great to hear that you had a nice trip back to Ohio!
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