Monday, May 11, 2009

A busy weekend

We had a very busy weekend this weekend and it showed when it was time to get out of bed this morning. We didn't realize how worn out we were until it was all over with!

Friday night we headed to Bloomington for a graduation party. After a quick but expensive trip to Walmart we headed to Pub II to celebrate Lizzie's graduation from nursing school. The hour long drive home made for a late night.

Saturday morning we were up and at 'em at a decent time. I started making cupcakes and cleaning up the house before I headed to a bridal shower for Nicole. After a couple of quick stops for errands I was back home to decorate cupcakes, clean, and take a nap before we headed out Saturday night.

Trever was EXTREMELY productive on Saturday. He mowed and raked the yard, finished putting pavers around our front flower bed, planted a garden, scraped the cow lots, and got everything outside ready for Sunday.

Saturday night we went out with April, Andrew, Nicole and Molly. We had a really good time and I actually stayed awake late enough to close the place down! Trever claims it's the latest he's ever seen me awake!

Sunday morning we slept in a little bit since the cows and the dog were all quiet. (The dog was quiet because he was at the neighbor's). We did some last minute picking up and preparation before church. When we got home from church we finished everything up and waited for our guests to arrive. We hosted 14 of our relatives for Mother's Day. We grilled out and enjoyed each other's company...even though a few of them thought they were going to blow away.

Once everyone left Trever, Rally and I enjoyed the weather outside for a while. We went in and put away all of my mom's garage sale bargains for the baby and organized the nursery a little bit. We now have the carseat ready to go in the car, and our hopital bags are mostly packed. Just a few more weeks and life will get even more interesting!