Friday, September 11, 2009

3 months

The incredible shrinking bear has returned for her 3 month photo shoot. Claire continues to grow like a weed even though she's starting to cut back on her milk consumption just a little bit. She is typically a very happy little girl but tends to get pretty fussy in the evenings. We think there might be a little something going on in the tooth department that is causing her to be uncomfortable. She chews on her hands a lot and likes the taste of her daddy's fingers. She enjoys standing up, arching her back, and singing the Beach Boys song Barbara Ann. She is no longer a big fan of her carseat, is growing out of lots of her clothes, and she doesn't stay in one place very long. Claire is having her first sleep over tomorrow night with Gammy and Papa Kuipers while Trever and I head to the Illini home opener! Go Illini!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe how much she's grown!