Monday, September 21, 2009

Babies and Pumpkins everywhere!

On Saturday, Claire and I traveled to Garden Prairie, IL for a baby shower for my college friend Becky. It was a long day but we survived the 2 1/2 hour trip with 3 babies in the car and no major problems. We met the lone boy of the group at the shower for a grand total of 4 babies. The oldest, Delaney, is 14 months old, Addison is 10 months, Zach is almost 4 months and Claire is the baby at about 3 1/2 months. Taking pictures of all 4 of them was not an easy task. This is the best I have.

Claire also got to meet Dani for the first time. She thought both Dani, and her husband Chris, were pretty cool!
After the baby shower we headed to Susie's Garden Patch. This is the U-Pick farm that Becky's family owns. Here is a picture of Addison picking out her very own pumpkin.
Claire picked out her pumpkin too. (Let the record show that taking pictures on a very bright day, with a digital camera, while holding a child is not the easiest thing we have ever done, but we have pictures nonetheless!)
Claire did pose with the pumpkins that she and Addison picked out. She also had her first ride on the tailgate of a ranger!

We had a very long day but a good day with friends! We look forward to meeting Baby Perry after she makes her arrival in November!