Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
The girls!
No farmers in the field meant no work for me this weekend. Luckily that meant we were able to accomplish a lot of other things. Here is a brief rundown of our weekend:
- Friday night was family date night. That means a trip for grocers or to Lowes. This week it was Lowes. We are the proud owner of a new dishwasher...that we don't have the right pieces for.
- Saturday morning everyone slept in. After chores, Trever started installing the dishwasher, I cleaned and Claire took a 3 hour nap!
- Saturday afternoon Trever kept working on the dishwasher and picked up around the house while I mowed the yard.
- Saturday night was the highlight of our weekend! We got to see our nieces and play like crazy! We hadn't seen Caisey since Claire was 1 week old!
- Sunday morning was Sunday School for Trever and church for all of us.
- Sunday afternoon my mom came up and we went to a baby shower in Chatsworth. Claire was the highlight of the party.
- This evening I made taco pizza for dinner, cleaned the carpets in half the house, did dishes and blogged. Trever played with Claire, tinkered with his newest toy, and we watched Sunday night TV.
Now we're off to bed so we can get back in the groove of work tomorrow. Hopefully it's a busy week at work and the farmers can be in the field!
Here are some pictures of the girls!Our AWESOME nieces, Maddison and Caisey!

Posted by
Trever & Krista
7:49 PM
Monday, October 12, 2009
4 months
Another BIG weekend in the life of Claire! Saturday she went to her second football game. It appeared to be a beautiful day when we left home, but turned out to be a little on the chilly side. Lucky for Claire she had a big blanket to keep her warm!
After the game it was time to tailgate. We had a nice spot where Claire and Jeremiah could hang out. Look at the two cutest Illini fans ever!
Jeremiah played with Claire, sang her songs and cuddled with her. I think he might have gotten a little fresh with her too!
Posted by
Trever & Krista
4:42 PM
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Pancakes, football and a birthday
We've been a bit on the busy side lately and blogging hasn't exactly been a priority. Harvest started at work last Tuesday in Piper City so work has been busy. A little rain on Thursday kept the growers out of the field and allowed a little break for the weekend. And, a big weekend it was! Friday night we visited the Rademaker's for their annual Octoberfest, and Saturday was Claire's first football game! This is how she spent the game...
In the last week or so Claire has really started reaching for things. She enjoys her bounce bounce baby (walker type toy), and rolls all over the place. She scoots around and gets where she wants to go but isn't crawling. She is increadibly well behaved, a great sleeper and we love sharing her with our friends and family!
Posted by
Trever & Krista
6:34 PM