No farmers in the field meant no work for me this weekend. Luckily that meant we were able to accomplish a lot of other things. Here is a brief rundown of our weekend:
- Friday night was family date night. That means a trip for grocers or to Lowes. This week it was Lowes. We are the proud owner of a new dishwasher...that we don't have the right pieces for.
- Saturday morning everyone slept in. After chores, Trever started installing the dishwasher, I cleaned and Claire took a 3 hour nap!
- Saturday afternoon Trever kept working on the dishwasher and picked up around the house while I mowed the yard.
- Saturday night was the highlight of our weekend! We got to see our nieces and play like crazy! We hadn't seen Caisey since Claire was 1 week old!
- Sunday morning was Sunday School for Trever and church for all of us.
- Sunday afternoon my mom came up and we went to a baby shower in Chatsworth. Claire was the highlight of the party.
- This evening I made taco pizza for dinner, cleaned the carpets in half the house, did dishes and blogged. Trever played with Claire, tinkered with his newest toy, and we watched Sunday night TV.
Now we're off to bed so we can get back in the groove of work tomorrow. Hopefully it's a busy week at work and the farmers can be in the field!
Here are some pictures of the girls!Our AWESOME nieces, Maddison and Caisey!

such happy girls! Hope the dishwasher works out well! We will be around all weekend if the little miss needs a sitter (hoping all of the farmers are still working in the fields then, no rain!!!!)
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