Monday, October 12, 2009

4 months

Another BIG weekend in the life of Claire! Saturday she went to her second football game. It appeared to be a beautiful day when we left home, but turned out to be a little on the chilly side. Lucky for Claire she had a big blanket to keep her warm!

After the game it was time to tailgate. We had a nice spot where Claire and Jeremiah could hang out. Look at the two cutest Illini fans ever!

Jeremiah played with Claire, sang her songs and cuddled with her. I think he might have gotten a little fresh with her too!

After the football game we headed to Gammy & Papa's house to see Aunt Kyla and Cousin Maddison. The girls weren't quite sure what to think about each other. Maddison thought Claire was pretty cool, but Claire wasn't so sure who this bigger baby was that was trying to claw her eyes out!
While we were at Gammy & Papa's house, Claire tried her first meal of rice cereal. She did pretty well with it, but we've tried it the last two nights and she hasn't been as big a fan.
And Sunday was Claire's 4 month birthday. She had her check up last Thursday and weighed in at 14 pounds 14 ounces and 24 inches long. She likes to play with her toes and belly laugh. She has even graduated to size 2 diapers! Here is the picture you've all been waiting for...


Kelly said...

She is too dang cute! and she is getting so big! I love her Illini outfit and matching hat!

the Voelker's said...

Love the pics of her and Jeremiah, you would think their parents would find something a little softer than asphalt to put the kiddos on (haha!) She will get to love the rice cereal, its a whole new texture to used to!