Thursday, March 11, 2010

9 months

Claire is 9 months old today! Only 3 more months until we need to have the garage put back together and the yard ready for her 1st BIRTHDAY EXTRAVAGANZA! They'll be lion tamers and clowns and elephant rides....just kidding!
We had our 9 month photo session this morning and it's getting harder and harder to catch Claire with the bear. But isn't her little bulldog face adorable?
Claire, Ms. Mary & Ms. Cierra have been working on walking. Claire tends to stand up in the middle of the room, run until she falls, face plant in the carpet and try it again. She'll take quite a few steps before she gives up and crawls. Here are some action pics...

Other things going on...
  • Claire loves Rally!
  • She gives open mouthed kisses and rubs her bottom teeth on your cheek.
  • She loves to swing in the park with the kids from Ms. Mary's house.
  • She DOES NOT sit still.
  • She'll eat anything including a good portion of my pork burger last night.
  • She goes to the doctor Monday afternoon for her 9 month check up!


the Voelker's said...

I can't believe she is already walking (well, closer everyday anyway). You are so in trouble having to watch her every!!!

Kelly said...

WOW! I can't believe she's walking! So cute! She doesn't look big enough to walk yet! :)