At 1 p.m. on March 19th in Piper City, IL the thermometer sai 64 degrees. When I entered the state of Iowa a few hours later the thermometer on the truck read 52 degrees. By Saturday morning there was a considerable amount of snow and even some sleet.
Last weekend, Claire and I took another roadtrip. This time we headed west toward Tipton, IA to visit one of our favorite families, the Todds.
Jeremiah is my favorite 3 year old. I love playing with Jeremiah and listening to the stories that come out of his mouth. My favvorite was when he told me about his moose slippers. He said "these aren't just any slippers, their MOOSE slippers".

Claire was a good roadtripper, even if she did only sleep for 20 minutes the entire drive out.
Andrew is the baby of the group (for a few more months:). He's got an adorable little smile and his feet move a mile a minute. He's awfully stinking cute too!
Claire thought Andrew had some pretty cool toys. She did a good job being gentle with the baby...most of the time.
Not a bad picture considering the ages of the kids and the fact that there was most likely a Handy Manny episode on the tv!
Like I said, Claire was gentle...most of the time.
Saturday afternoon we took off for the indoor pool. Claire was too cute in her swimsuit. Especially when we put her stocking hat on with it!
Claire LOVED the swimming pool! She loves bathtime so I'm not surprised. She would kick her legs like crazy and giggle! It was a blast
We rushed back Sunday morning so we could make it home for Aunt Phyllis' 85th birthday party. Claire was missing Jeremiah later that afternoon and decided it would be fun to bump her head. She had her first noticeable injury after getting in a fight with the toybox.
We had a great time visiting with John, Marla, Jeremiah and Andrew! We hope we can find time to do it again soon!
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