We left home around 10:15 Saturday morning and headed north. We stopped in Matteson and had lunch at Fuddruckers . Then we headed in to the city and dropped our car and luggage off at valet parking.
Monday, April 27, 2009
We left home around 10:15 Saturday morning and headed north. We stopped in Matteson and had lunch at Fuddruckers . Then we headed in to the city and dropped our car and luggage off at valet parking.
Posted by
Trever & Krista
6:53 AM
Another trip to the doctor
I went back to the doctor last Wednesday for another routine appointment. This was the first of my every 2 week appointments. I have two more of them before I start going every week. As usual, everything sounded and looked right on target. Even though the ultrasound showed she was 15 days ahead of schedule, she did not adjust our due date. Dr. H told me the baby was weighing around 4 pounds right now.
Following the doctor visit I headed to the dentist for a cleaning. It wasn't the most fun I've ever had and she swears that bleeding gums are a side effect of pregnancy. I think it's a side effect of a rough dental hygentist!
After that I went and picked up my little sister from Big Brothers Big Sisters, Shelbie. We were off to Monicals and then hit the Country Kettle to visit with mom, dad, Uncle Rog, Aunt Carol, Dean & Lucille. Finally we stopped for ice cream at McDonalds before I dropped her off and headed back home.
Posted by
Trever & Krista
6:48 AM
Friday, April 17, 2009
Easter 2009
For the first time since Trever and I have been together we actually spent Easter with his side of the family. Since Kyla, Ron, Caisey & Maddison were home we went over Saturday night to spend some time with them. Uncle Trever hadn't seen Caisey since January and hadn't seen Maddi since she was just one week old! Greg and Kathy had also hidden 80 Easter Eggs around the farm. I found the most!!! I suppose next year they won't be hidden quite so well and I'll have to share with two little girls! Or they'll just have to learn to be competitive if they want to keep up!
Posted by
Trever & Krista
11:12 AM
Monday, April 13, 2009
Today's Ultrasound
The good news is, our little monster is still missing her boy parts!
The bad news is, she is measuring 2 weeks bigger than she's suppose to be! And her head is measuring even bigger than that!!!
We went back today for our second ultrasound. It wasn't nearly as exciting as the first one, but it was fun to see the different things that the technician pointed out in the pictures. Bubba wasn't being overly cooperative today. After her overly nutritious breakfast of McDonald's Cinnamelts and a Diet Coke she decided it was time for a nap.
Here are some interesting things that we learned today:
- Today I am at 30 weeks and 4 days (approximately 66 days until our due date).
- According to the ultrasound she is measuring at 32 weeks and 5 days.
- Her head measures in the 33rd week...OUCH!
- Her head is so far down that we couldn't get a good look at it. The head is pushing on my bladder.
- She is practicing breathing from time to time and her mouth is moving a lot. One of the pictures they gave us was of her yawning.
- We could see her heart beating.
- She had her legs crossed most of the time (here's to hoping they stay that way for another 20 some years)
- Her hands were in her face. One arm was over her eyes and the other over her mouth.
- Everything seems to be right where it is suppose to be!
All in all it was a pretty routine visit. It's nice to know that we don't have to repaint the nursery or ask the grandma's to return any of their girly outfits. And most importantly, it's nice to know that this monster growing inside of me that has an enormous head appears to be perfectly healthy!
Posted by
Trever & Krista
2:08 PM
Friday, April 10, 2009
An update on Bubba!
Bubba is one of the many names this kid has been given in the last few months. It's probably my favorite too since my favorite 2 year old anounced to his parents that Krista's baby was named Bubba! Although, I will give my parents credit with coming up with the Mini Kuipers thing, not bad.
Whatever you want to call her, it sure feels like she is going to be a soccer player. She has been getting quite a workout lately. The doctor tells us that will slow down before too long, but right now it feels like she is running out of room in there. I can feel her moving quite a bit and can also see the ripples in my stomach from time to time! There have been a couple of times I'm pretty sure my entire body shook from the force of her kick!
After a little bit of doctor drama, we made it to our appointment on Wednesday night. I figured dragging Trever to the doctor's office with me was the only way I could get him to take me out for my birthay! After the appointment we took a trip next door to the hospital where I met my favorite blood sucker yet! He hit my vein on the first attempt and I didn't feel a thing! While he went off to run some tests on my blood, Trever and I headed to the Bayern Stube for dinner! It was delicious! After dinner we headed back to the hospital so I could get a shot. Woohoo! Happy Birthday to me! I have an Rh negative blood type which means I lack certain antibodies in my blood. Since there is a very slim chance that the baby could be Rh positive, I had to have a Rhogam shot so that my body wouldn't reject the baby if it's blood somehow got in to my bloodstream during delivery. The doctor had me pretty freaked out about it, but it wasn't so bad. If only labor and delivery felt like a quick stick in the arm. The cool thing about going to the Labor & Delivery department to get the shot was that we got to meet a lot of the nursing staff. We were there right at shift change so we met several of them. They were in for a long night since there were no babies in the nursery and none expected to come in overnight either.
For the next 6 weeks I will be going to the doctor every 2 weeks. After 36 weeks I will start going every week until the baby decides to make her appearance.
Monday morning we will be going in for a second ultrasound. Hopefully she wont be as shy this time and we'll be 100% positive she really is a she! Look for more ultrasound pictures next week!
Posted by
Trever & Krista
1:57 PM