For the first time since Trever and I have been together we actually spent Easter with his side of the family. Since Kyla, Ron, Caisey & Maddison were home we went over Saturday night to spend some time with them. Uncle Trever hadn't seen Caisey since January and hadn't seen Maddi since she was just one week old! Greg and Kathy had also hidden 80 Easter Eggs around the farm. I found the most!!! I suppose next year they won't be hidden quite so well and I'll have to share with two little girls! Or they'll just have to learn to be competitive if they want to keep up!
Sunday morning we woke up nice and early and headed to Piper City for Sunrise Service. We enjoyed some super yummy eggs and sprinkled donuts and then headed to Onarga for regular church at 9. We got to cuddle with Maddi for a while during church. We figured that would be our only opportunity since there would be a lot more people wanting to play when we got back to the farm.
We spent the rest of the day at Greg & Kathy's. I definately didn't go overboard with pictures this time, but here are a few for our loyal readers.
I'm not sure I want to post this picture, but at least my good looking husband balances it out!
Uncle Trever was not being a very good sport! All Caisey wanted was one picture with him wearing the I love my big sister bib!

Grandpa Kuipers got to spend some time snuggling with his first Great Granddaughter!
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