Monday, April 27, 2009

Another trip to the doctor

I went back to the doctor last Wednesday for another routine appointment. This was the first of my every 2 week appointments. I have two more of them before I start going every week. As usual, everything sounded and looked right on target. Even though the ultrasound showed she was 15 days ahead of schedule, she did not adjust our due date. Dr. H told me the baby was weighing around 4 pounds right now.

Following the doctor visit I headed to the dentist for a cleaning. It wasn't the most fun I've ever had and she swears that bleeding gums are a side effect of pregnancy. I think it's a side effect of a rough dental hygentist!

After that I went and picked up my little sister from Big Brothers Big Sisters, Shelbie. We were off to Monicals and then hit the Country Kettle to visit with mom, dad, Uncle Rog, Aunt Carol, Dean & Lucille. Finally we stopped for ice cream at McDonalds before I dropped her off and headed back home.


MJ said...

My teeth used to bug me when I was pregnant too. This too shall pass! Not long now!!