Monday, June 8, 2009

Family Shower

Yes, I'm still here and able to blog. Although I wouldn't get too close to me with a sharp object or I might pop! As you can see in this picture, my shirt is stretched to the max by my enormous belly! I'm 38 weeks and 2 days in this picture. And, about to sweat to death thanks to my little internal combustion engine!

On Saturday Trever's Aunt Jeanie, his cousin-in-law Kelly and cousin Sherrie threw us a wonderful shower! The most hilarious part was when I sat down with our niece Maddison next to my cousin Sarah and her little girl Rylee. Maddison wanted nothing to do with it and I got accused of letting Rylee beat her up!

But does this look like the face of a bully?

We got lots of great gifts from our relatives. We were up until midnight Saturday night putting everything away and making sure the nursery is complete for the baby's arrival. Here are a couple of pictures from the shower.

Kara and Kathi got us a little swimsuit, hat and cover-up so that Junior can hit the lake this summer!

My grandma made us a very nice quilt! It even says that it's made by Great Grandma Builta on the bottom corner!

I really enjoyed the opportunity to spend time with some of our extended family this weekend. We can't wait until we can share our little one with all of you!

For the rest of the month the calendar is pretty empty except for doctor's appointments as we wait for Baby K to make her appearance. We were really hoping for today but we're quickly running out of time! It's getting much harder to sit upright and I've been trying to figure out how I can do work from a horizontal position. The carseat is in the car, the bags are packed, we're just waiting for someone to decide when she is ready!


the Voelker's said...

Love the quilt, you will cherish it always!!! We are heading to Indy for an overnite with the kiddos, leaving Wed the 10th and will be back evening on the 11th, don't have baby K till we get back, but I know you want to go NOW!!!!!!! hugs and kisses!