Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A few firsts...

We've been home for a few days now and we're starting to get adjusted to each other. Claire has had a few more "firsts" but don't have pictures of all of them. Here the "firsts" we have in pictures...

Claire met Great-Grandma Ficklin for the first time.

Claire got to cuddle for the first time with Great-Grandpa Clarence Kuipers, who she was named after.

Daddy took Claire out to visit the cows for the first time.

And Daddy gave Claire her first bath.
Claire has also had a few other firsts that we haven't documented on film...
  • Her first trip to church
  • Her first trip to the doctor
  • Her first trip to Monicals and Alco
  • Her first kisses from her brother Rally
  • and I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting!